G20 World Leaders’ Summit, New Delhi 2023

G20 World Leaders' Summit, New Delhi 2023

Technical Data

Stamp Set G20 World Leaders' Summit, New Delhi
Date of Issue July 26, 2023
Denomination Rs. 40
Quantity 211000
Perforation comb 14½
Printer Security Printing Press, Hyderabad
Watermark No Watermark
Colors Multicolor
Catalog Codes

Yvert et Tellier IN BF228

Stanley Gibbons IN MS3862

Colnect codes IN 2023.07.26-04


India’s Presidency of the G20 in 2022-2023 marked a significant period for global economic cooperation and sustainability. The G20, comprising 19 countries and the European Union, represents a substantial portion of the world’s economy, trade, and population. India’s leadership during this time emphasized themes of unity, sustainability, and inclusive growth, encapsulated in the motto ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ or ‘One Earth · One Family · One Future’.

The G20 Logo and theme, inspired by India’s national flag and the lotus flower, symbolize growth amidst challenges and a pro-planet approach to life. This ethos underscores the importance of environmentally sustainable choices and transformative actions for a cleaner, greener future.

Two commemorative stamps were issued to celebrate India’s G20 Presidency and the landmark occasion of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi. The first stamp represents India’s cultural diversity and rich heritage, drawing inspiration from the lotus flower and ‘Mandala’ art forms. Its golden hue signifies the country’s history, traditions, and peaceful coexistence, while the seven petals symbolize the continents and the unity of G20 nations.

The second stamp symbolizes unity and collective action, reflecting the shared goals of G20 members under India’s Presidency. Depicting seven hands representing the continents, it highlights the values of togetherness and inclusivity, echoing India’s mantra of ‘Unity in Diversity’ and the concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.

India’s G20 Presidency provided a platform for meaningful discussions and cooperation amidst global challenges. The commemorative stamps serve as a testament to the hope and regeneration fostered by the collaboration of G20 countries under India’s leadership, promoting sustainability, interconnectedness, and inclusive growth on a global scale.