Anniversaries and Jubilees

Set / Name of Stamp Date of Issue Denomination Image
25th Anniversary of Rajya SabhaJune 21, 1977 June 21, 1977 25 p 25th Anniversary of Rajya Sabha25th Anniversary of Rajya Sabha
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and IndustryApril 23, 1977 April 23, 1977 25 p Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and IndustryFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Birth Centenary of Narottam Morarjee (1877-1929)April 2, 1977 April 2, 1977 25 p Birth Centenary of Narottam Morarjee (1877-1929)Birth Centenary of Narottam Morarjee (1877-1929)
15th Anniversary of Asian-Oceanic Postal UnionApril 1, 1977 April 1, 1977 Rs. 13 15th Anniversary of Asian-Oceanic Postal Union15th Anniversary of Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
Birth Centenary of Tarun Ram Phookun (1877-1939)January 22, 1977 January 22, 1977 25 p a stamp with a man's facea stamp with a man's face
Centenary “Vande Mataram” (Patriotic Song)December 30, 1976 December 30, 1976 25 p Vande MataramVande Mataram
Diamond Jubilee of Coconut ResearchDecember 27, 1976 December 27, 1976 25 p Diamond Jubilee of Coconut ResearchDiamond Jubilee of Coconut Research
80th Birth Anniv. of Suryakant Tripathi (Nirala) (1896-1961)October 15, 1976 October 15, 1976 25 p 80th Birth Anniv. of Suryakant Tripathi (Nirala) (1896-1961)80th Birth Anniv. of Suryakant Tripathi (Nirala) (1896-1961)
Birth Centenary of Sarat Chandra ChatterjiSeptember 15, 1976 September 15, 1976 25 p Birth Centenary of Sarat Chandra ChatterjiBirth Centenary of Sarat Chandra Chatterji
60th Anniversary of Bombay Women’s UniversitySeptember 3, 1976 September 3, 1976 25 p Bombay Women's UniversityBombay Women's University