Anniversaries and Jubilees

Set / Name of Stamp Date of Issue Denomination Image
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1875-1950)October 31, 1975 October 31, 1975 25 p Sardar Vallabhbhai PatelSardar Vallabhbhai Patel
650th Death Anniversary of Ameer Khusrau (1253- 1325)October 24, 1975 October 24, 1975 50 p AMEER KHUSRAUAMEER KHUSRAU
Saint ArunagirinatharAugust 14, 1975 August 14, 1975 50 p Saint ArunagirinatharSaint Arunagirinathar
International Commission on Irrigation and DrainageJuly 28, 1975 July 28, 1975 25 p Int. Commission on Irrigation & DrainageInt. Commission on Irrigation & Drainage
Michelangelo-1 Part of “Creation of Sun and Moon”Michelangelo-1June 28, 1975 June 28, 1975 50 p MICHELANGELO - 1MICHELANGELO - 1
Indian YWCAJune 20, 1975 June 20, 1975 25 p Indian YWCAIndian YWCA
4th Centenary “Ram Charit Manas”May 24, 1975 May 24, 1975 25 p RamcharitmanasRamcharitmanas
Centenary of Arya Samaj MovementApril 11, 1975 April 11, 1975 25 np Centenary of Arya Samaj MovementCentenary of Arya Samaj Movement
Bicentenary of Indian Army Ordnance CorpsApril 8, 1975 April 8, 1975 25 np Bicentenary of Indian Army Ordnance CorpsBicentenary of Indian Army Ordnance Corps
25th Anniversary of the Republic January 26, 1975 January 26, 1975 25 np 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE REPUBLIC25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE REPUBLIC