Philatelic Exhibitions

Set / Name of Stamp Date of Issue Denomination Image
Indepex 97October 5, 1996 October 5, 1996 Rs. 2 Indepex 97Indepex 97
INPEX-93, Custom House Wharf, CalcuttaDecember 27, 1993 December 27, 1993 Rs. 2 CalcuttaCalcutta
INPEX-93, Speedpost Letter and Arrows Encircling GlobeDecember 25, 1993 December 25, 1993 Rs. 1 Speedpost LetterSpeedpost Letter
Philatelic Exhibition: Early Philatelic MagazinesJanuary 20, 1989 January 20, 1989 Rs. 6.50 Early Philatelic MagazinesEarly Philatelic Magazines
Philatelic Exhibition: Travancore AnchelJanuary 20, 1986 January 20, 1986 Rs. 5 Travancore AnchelTravancore Anchel
Philatelic Exhibition: Dawk Gharee (mailcart)January 20, 1989 January 20, 1989 Rs. 1.50 Dawk Gharee (mailcart)Dawk Gharee (mailcart)
Philatelic Exhibition: Stamp CollectingJanuary 20, 1989 January 20, 1989 60 p philatelic exhibition-stamp collectingphilatelic exhibition-stamp collecting
Philatelic Exhibition: Travelling Post Office HandstampDecember 20, 1988 December 20, 1988 Rs. 6.50
Philatelic Exhibition: Dead Letter Office CancellationsDecember 20, 1988 December 20, 1988 60 p Philatelic ExhibitionPhilatelic Exhibition
India 89 : Bombay GPOOctober 9, 1988 October 9, 1988 Rs. 5